Under most circumstances all it takes is affording yourself the opportunity to receive sound counsel, words of wisdom or you learning/hearing the perception of another person to assist you in overcoming that particular issue. Allow that BIG, perplexing, mind consuming, overwhelming emotion, sleepless nights, communication struggle issue to be resolved and dissolved through our counselling services. Because we value what you share with us, your information will remain confidential. We provide contracts for our client's protection. Save your relationship, enjoy your sleep, embrace your tomorrow with hope, most importantly LET'S TALK. (Price quoted is an hourly rate.) We provide spiritual, family and general counselling if you just want to vent. We recommend payment for two hours for the first session because it takes more than one hour to become acquainted with you and for you to share your issues. After you have submitted your payment please click this link to get started. https://form.jotform.com/82674015399162
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